Monday, November 14, 2011

COD MW3....What a Let Down

Well last week the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 video game was released, I went to the Bay City mall as soon as class got out to wait in line. At 12:15am I had gotten my game and was going out to my car, I rushed home to pop in in the xbox and play. Well the game has great graphic, as it should have, but the game play was just like Modern Warfare 2. But the biggest let down was the campaign length, most people I've talked to including myself have finished it between 4 and 5 hours. Now I know the multi player mode is what a lot of people buy the game for but i like to play the campaign as well and when I can beat the game in less then a quarter of a day then that's just not right. Most everyone that I've talked to were disappointed with the game, but were not with the multi player mode. I've only gotten to play the multi player mode once so far and it was great, I just can't wait to play online.
Although for the next game COD game, the game designers really need to think that if there ever was a foreign occupation in the continental U.S., that civilians and not just the military would be in the fight. I have talked with some of my friends and they agree that there should be a civilian mini campaign in the game. If done correctly it would make the game play more realistic, and entertaining.


  1. I waited in line with my boyfriend and he wouldn't even let me play it when we got back home.... *smh*

  2. are you kidding me? I know it's not weed farm but it's a great game haha

  3. Lol true but it was a let down from all the attention that it was given
