Monday, September 12, 2011

Video games will rot your mind????

When I was growing up my mom would always tell me that video games would rot my mind, and that they would never prove to be helpful in life. Man was she wrong. The military has adopted a game-like simulator known as the "EST" to help train their troops. It's almost like playing Call of Duty, just instead of a controller you have an air powered weapon. Not to mention, video games can be used as a social tool. An acquaintance of mine at a young age jumped from their current reading level to four years above what they needed because of playing an online game. Video games can also teach problem-solving and critical thinking skills in games like Portal and Portal 2 which is soon to be released. Although many video games have gone through a lot of scrutiny as to their content and the violence. Throughout the gaming community there are many good game, from Mario Duck Hunt all the way up to Call of Duty, but then there again there are games out there called School Shooter: North American Tour 2012 a game about going to different schools and shooting your way through different schools shooting anyone that gets in your path. It is games like these that cause so much controversy, and make it so much harder for gaming companies to market their product. I am waiting for the uproar that will occur when a company finally decides it is time for a game based on the events of September 11th 2001. Frankly, a game should just be a game, and people need to realize that it is only one perspective on a situation. It’s merely an interactive representation of one side of a story, which is fictional. I’ll say it again, video games are fictional and a lot of controversy would be eliminated if critics got off their high horse and realized this.


  1. Sounds like this would make a great argumentative essay. Have you told your mom the usefulness? Its always fun to prove parents wrong isn't it :)

  2. holy crap! I can't believe they have a game for shooting at a school. That really is just bad judgement on whoever produced that. I would say that no one in their right mind would release an video game about 9/11, but honestly, I wouldn't be surprised.

  3. I completely agree that video games do not rot your mind because if they did i would not be here at the moment. I knew about the video game for the military training and i find it fascinating and scary.

  4. So why do you think it's scary that the military uses video game tech.?

  5. I never realized the military used video games to teach. I think its awesome!

  6. Yeah it's kind of a low tech video game but it's still cool to play.
